Sunnybank District History Group
This is the website of the Sunnybank District History Group. In late 2011 the group was formed, a re-grouping of a local history organisation for the area. A previous group had existed for a number decades in the late twentieth century, focused around the Sunnybank State High School Parents' and Citizen's Association. This group met regularly at the high school and it is their work that had preserved many documents, photographs and narratives that we now have to continue the history.
After the first group disbanded, the records and historical documents were provided to the care of the Brisbane Municipal Libraries. The surviving folders of materials are in the Sunnybank Hills Library and the Brisbane City Archives.
The Sunnybank District History Group (SDHG) meets on the first Saturday of the month, between 1pm and 3pm, in the meeting room of the Sunnybank Hills Library.
The Lifted Veil of Sunnybank
by Neville Buch | June 18, 2020 | Uncategorized
“When I was sixteen I was sent to Geneva to complete my course of education; and the change was a very happy one to me, for the first sight of the Alps, with the setting sun on them, as we descended the Jura, seemed to me like an entrance into heaven; and the three years ...
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Part of the Brisbane History Network Group